In a post-apocalyptic world, civilization has collapsed due to a catastrophic chemical contamination. Kyle wants to save his infected daughter, who is about to turn into a dangerous mutant. He starts his journey equipped with weapons and a protective suit trying to survive as he gets attacked by mutants. Fighting his way through challenging terrain, he reaches multiple cities where he meets NPCs who give him clues about where to go next and sell him upgrades/new weapons as well as automatically repair his suit. His last fight is in the laboratory where at the end he finds the healing potion.
Originated from university course
This game orginated from a Game Development course at LMU Munich. During a Sprint week of 5 days a team of five persons created the basis for The Cure's Quest.
Main Idea
The Cure's Quest is a 2D shooter game, combining roleplaying, immersive storytelling, and decision-making rounded of by a unique and cohesive art style. You take on the role of a desperate father on a quest to find a cure for your daugther, who has been infected by the ongoing plague. On your journey, you battle mutants, bargain with town people and try to find your way through the intricate world to reach the secret laboratory. But will you be able to rescue your innocent daughter?
The trailer for The Cures Quest is not officially released yet. The official announcment is planned for 2025. Do not redistribute this trailer. — YouTube
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Additional Links
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- The Cure's Quest Demo -
- Youtube
- The Cure's Quest - Youtube
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- Newsletter via Website
- Markus Schmidbauer
- Lead, Developer
- Annika Köhler
- Level Designer, Enemy AI Developer, Artist, Collaborator
- Rafael Vrabel
- Animation Designer, Collaborator
- Christina Trossen
- Project Manager, Content Manager, Artitst, Collaborator
- Nicolas Käufl
- UI Designer, Story Artist, Sound Artist, Collaborator
- Inquiries
- Web